

This is a delicious recipe and a different way to prepare and enjoy your nachos. You can serve it both as a main dish or as a starter. I hope you enjoy it.

Ingredients for 2 people:
½ onion
3 seeded and peeled tomatoes
2 garlic cloves
200 ml of tomato paste
sour cream
grated cheese.

Cover and cook slowly over medium heat the chicken with little water, a pinch of salt, a piece of onion and one garlic clove. Remove it when it’s cooked and tender.

Then let the chicken cool until it flakes into small pieces with your hands or a fork. Discard garlic and onion.

To make the tomato sauce, saute the onion (which must be chopped very small) and the garlic with little oil. When the onion is translucent, add the seeded peeled tomato and tomato paste.

Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes and season with salt and pepper.
Add the shredded chicken to the sauce, reduce heat and cook for a few more minutes. It is important not to let the sauce cook too much so that the chicken does not dry out.

Serve the nachos first, then the sauce, sour cream and lastly the grated cheese.

Esta es una receta deliciosa y una forma diferente de comer nachos. La pueden servir tanto en plantos principales o como entradas. Espero la disfruten.
Ingredientes para 2 personas:
2 pechugas de pollo
½ cebolla
3 tomates pelados sin semillas, en puré
2 dientes de ajo
200ml de pasta de tomate
sour cream
queso rayado
Tapar y cocinar lentamente a fuego medio el pollo con un poco de agua, una pizca de sal, un trozo de cebolla y 1 diente de ajo. Retirarlo cuando esté bien cocido y tierno.
Luego dejar enfriar el pollo, hasta que se pueda desmenuzar en trozos muy pequeños con las manos o un tenedor. Desechar los restos de ajo y cebolla
Para hacer la salsa de tomate, sofreír la cebolla picada muy pequeña y el ajo en un poco de aceite. Cuando la cebolla esté transparente, añadir el puré de tomate y la pasta de tomate.
Cocinar a fuego medio durante 10 minutos y sazonar con sal y pimienta.
Agregar el pollo desmenuzado a la salsa, bajar el fuego y cocinar por unos minutos mas. Es importante no dejar que la salsa se cocine demasiado para que el pollo no se seque.

Servir primero los nachos, luego la salsa, el sour cream y por ultimo el queso rayado.

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  3. The chicken and tomato paste nachos combine robust Mexican flavors with a delicious savory touch. Tender chicken chunks are complemented by the tart tomato paste, which makes a delicious topping for crunchy nacho chips. It's a tasty treat for any occasion and is ideal as a light snack or casual supper.General law encompasses rules and regulations established by governments to maintain order, protect rights, and ensure justice. It includes civil, criminal, and administrative law, governing areas like contracts, property, and personal conduct. Law serves to resolve disputes, penalize unlawful actions, and provide a framework for societal functioning, ensuring fairness and security within the community.
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